Remembering My Dog Maggie

Since first creating this website in 2009, a lot has changed.  

About a year after Maggie died, we moved to Mildenhall, England in 2010, where we lived for three years.  It was a great experience.  We were able to travel all over Europe, and see so many incredible things.   This past summer in 2013, we returned to the US, this time headed for Alaska!  My family will be there for 3 years and I'll be finishing up high school there before heading to college!  Although Maggie has been gone for a while now, we think of her everyday, and we all miss her so much.  

Since Maggie's death, we still haven't gotten a new dog.  It's hard to imagine ever possibly replacing a dog as wonderful as Maggie.  I don't want to get a dog and go through the same thing all over again.  Maggie will always have a special place in my heart.  No dog could ever replace her.

Here's a little of what I've been up to:


Visiting Greece for the third time in 2013 

Visiting my new college of USC for the first time!

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